Here are some of the ideas we are researching …
The problem:
Games are too specialized, costly or tech-dated for many special needs youth …
The Solution:
We explore ways to create a conduit for ongoing low cost fun activities off line.
We include electronic designers and engineering students to could contribute to our designs.
Here are some working examples we are exploring to make brain work fun and varied over time.
Bluetooth EEG or EMG watch
It can play music previously selected on your cell
while the colours on the wristband reveal emotional state and levels of concentration
Some ideas for 3-D printing and construction
A cardboard bot
Volunteers build simple robots using a few household materials plus open electronic tech.
Physical state can trigger the servo motor to repeatedly pull the front and back of the Inchworm together and letting them slide apart, creating a slow but steady crawling motion.
Engraved Perspex designs
Glowing hologram changes colours with physical state.
Volunteer designers and engineering students could contribute designs.
Hovering Drone with safety hovering
Activate lift-up, as the drone climbs responding to state.
Consider hand floating mechanism with hand held landing.
Special setting to hold hovering for special needs youth.
Cardboard print construction with glow lights or movement
Crawling Spider Bot or Space Warrior
EEG driven with Brain Link system
Twirling ballerina or Ninja
Colours of lights change with state
Plays music