“We build the power to do the hard work together when we share our internal stories.”
Wanderer story begins here …
Our shared internal story began 500 million years ago when a large wave threw a little Squiggly Thing out of the sea. It landed on soft sand embedded in a rock and felt SNUG in the warm sunshine. Later, when a shadow passed overhead, it automatically protected itself from the unknown by freezing, simply feigning invisibility or death.
Stillness: Snug or in a Freeze?
Squiggly Thing was overwhelmed in a State of Stillness. It stayed put until it had more information about the situation, or things made it feel safe again. When it felt safe, it now had to decide whether to enjoy being snug a little longer or to wriggle out to explore the world a bit.
300 million years later Little Squiggly Things had grown a lot. It was more complicated now, with legs, and the scales of an Armadillo on its body and the neck of a swan. It had grown into a Mental Snapper. It really enjoyed the it EXCITEMENT it now had in finding new food and the adventure of exploring new environments in which to live.
Mobilization : a Mental Snapper Fun Excitement or Flight/Fight?
Mental Snapper could now choose what to do when a shadow flew overhead - it could stand and fight if the threat was small enough or it could flee if it was not sure of its chances of survival.
200 million years after this Nia grew into a girl with a brain (cortex) so she could now plan things. She made some friends and in time they found a way to build a fire and made tools they cooked with. When they needed food Nia mobilized the Gatherer to collect the bag woven from large leaves to carry berries harvested from a distant bush. Later, everyone offered their food on a flat rock and ate together.
Social Engagement: Tuning others in or out?
Nia the Human, could ENGAGE with other SOCIAL beings. When they perceived a potential threat they could use their combined knowledge and strength to outwit their opponents. They became rulers of their domain - but every now and then they slipped back a bit - the memories for the Mental Snapper or Still Thing intruded and prompted them do something daft. But it was not life-threatening so they laughed and forgot about it.
Until today …
Today we continue to EVOLVE in a world of constant change.
We now have enough knowledge and brain power to design the best life for our future selves and for our communities.
What could your future life look like in 2030?
Play Wanderer and design your best future life
then take your learning and share it in the world.
Choose your path going forward
Which ‘voice’ do you prefer to use as we play the game?
Nia’s story: The tone and images used above and in normal conversations,
Neuroscience focus: ‘A Polyvagal lens was developed over 500 million years and today it offers us a neurophysiological map of the autonomic system (ANS) and can describe the complex ways this influences our responses in different situations’.
Please send us your feedback in the Note.
Prefer Nia’s voice or Neuroscience?