Unlocking the Energy Field!
“We build the power to do the hard work together when we share our internal stories.”
Types of energy powering the game
This is the Energy Field powering your way forward in the game. Learn to unlock its secrets so you and your people can save the Future.
Which state are you in right now?
Many of our clients have described feeling ‘stuck’ in limbo after Lockdown - experiencing a state of Immobilization without a clear understanding of how to move forward in an uncertain future. Others said that they miss the Snug close family time that it gave them. These both describe a state of Stillness.
STILLNESS at 1 in aqua can be experienced in a positive or a negative way as described above.
MOBILIZE at 2 in brown moves us out of stillness so we can take action in the world. We do this by challenging others to secure our territory, or it can be experienced as enjoying moving more freely in the physical world - even if we need to wear masks some of the time!
CONNECT at 3 in yellow opens us to engage with other people so we can do stuff together, either at work, in the streets, or in social groups. But many say it no longer feels the same - they’re not as connected, or sure of themselves as they were before lockdown.
So … we created a safe communal space to help us make sense of our way in this new world in a game called ‘Wanderer’ - Navigating the edge of tomorrow.