Example of a THORT Canvas Scan

Lockdown canvas conversation - and a TAKE-a-way guide


4 Stories we tell ourselves

4 stories we tell ourselves and others - from simple to complex

4 stories we tell ourselves and others - from simple to complex

Navigating in Innovative teams


The GC Index Identifies your role in teams

"The GC Index is an instrument that identifies an individuals Game-Changing impact and contribution in a role.

The helping them understand how they can make their impact and contribute to a team and organisation."

“We believe that, whether you are a Global CEO or a child in a developing country, you can make a positive, game-changing, impact to your world.”


Neurocoaching for MYndful IQ

Reframe the BURN of Stress to the BUZZ of a Stretch in challenges.

Our human brain is the most complex organism in our know universe so we simplify neurocoaching conversations and compare our complex Mind+Brain+Body functions to an Egyptian Dhow.

Our brain based tools translate the recent groundbreaking advances in neuroscience, with their potential transformational power, into a metaphorical learning and self-coaching journey, promoting Myndful IQ. For Example:

  • Ms. Perfect gazes at the Emotional Boiler Room.

  • Einstein Zone top right explores new ways to be.


Build Inclusion in online complex conversations

Help us to translate the 6 key canvas terms into a new language (Eg, Zulu, German, Afrikaans, Mandarin … )

Although the Listen Loudly Conversations are most often held in English, people prefer to use the key terms in their own language, for ownership and be memorable.

Can you help us to translate the 6 key terms into a another language you know? Your input will remain anonymous and be verified before use.


We joined MIT’s Scribing to counter social distancing


Finding your Voice in digital meetings

Click to enlarge

Social Scribing ‘Speaking Truth to Power’ inspired by Megan Reitz- author of ‘SPEAK-UP - we used her words with her permission.

We coach inclusion workouts online using the emotional and generative power of Social Scribing to counter the distancing effect of digital conversations.

Mind+ Brain + Body awareness introduce the role of the Insula - much larger and more reactive in females - to hold conversations promoting practical awareness tips.