Building an online Inclusive Reflexive Canvas together - for all.
Want to see more about our WHY? and HOW? …
The 6 Words
Identify a word you choose to translate, then add ‘=’ followed by your word. When you are done submit the form for our use.
Here are the 6 English words and their meanings that we need your help translating into another language.
Here are the form to use for your translation.
# STOP-IT: 6 Terms translation
Please write your response in this way: ‘Status = Power-2-Decide’.
NOTE: your information will be respected as confidential and your contribution may be offered anonymously as choice in a future Canvas.
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Click to enlarge, then click again to return
Thank you for your help in extending the reach to people of different cultures.
We all need a safe place to adapt to the changing conditions we are living though today.
Thank you
for contributing to an inclusive conversation framework.
Want to see more about our WHY? and HOW? here …
The rules of our work and social lives have changed!
Our Brain Smart Workouts support leaders at all levels to build inclusive and strategic insights, as they explore ways to build innovation into their culture.
Zozibini Tunzi, as Miss Universe, using her voice to promote change and equality. It’s a new day for all.