Our LISTEN LOUDLY Sound Canvas in Lockdown 2020, combines scribing with electronic sound

Our electronic LISTEN LOUDLY Canvas aims to inspire a hopeful and open mindset, and counteracting social isolation and loss in Lockdown 2020/1.

A Sound Canvas offers multi-sensory stimulation, impacting on a primal and bio-physiological level, building mental well-being, emotional regeneration and resilience. It takes you build hopeful attention or be present as you take the next step in your personal journey - regeneration in our complex and emerging world.


Want online training to make your own Interactive Sound Canvas?

The sounds are touch activated by coding the Interactive Wall Kit from Bare Conductive. The canvas can play for up to 40 minutes of songs and sound play till the end.

This electronic Sound Canvas celebrates the voice and power of Nina Simone to share an uplifting emotional experience - about ‘finding your voice’ and starting ‘New Beginnings’. We can guide you online in making your own individual or collective canvas.

We connect talents and knowledge from different domains, combining STEM and creative skills to form a combined physical Sound Canvas that records a shared Lockdown 2020/1 experience.

The interactive Touch-for-Sound Canvas - and it comes in 2 forms:

  • A video clip of touch buttons activating different sounds - to share the concept online

  • A physical canvas and frame of any dimension that can be transported in a delivery van


The many dimensions of a Female Engineer - A canvas in progress



Some early thoughts from our collective on adding sound for interaction impact:

  • “Natural elements are rhythmic, like music.

  • Train tracks have multiple associable time signatures and grooves.

  • The wind turbine can be related to drums played with brushes

  • Footprints can be sounds of walking on gravel also groove related

  • Power lines remind one of upright bass strings …

  • The desert and triangles suggest a Khoisan bow playing …

  • The woman seems melodic and can relate …”

Talk To Us ...

Watch this space to see a clip of the completed Canvas soon!

Use our approach as a guide or simply design your own unique Sound Canvas.

Our online AfriSTEEM Tutors can guide you through the process of designing the image and of constructing the Interactive Wall Kit.


We are building partnerships with global tech firms to bring 21 Century STEM skills to schools and previously ignored communities in Africa.