Rhythmic Breathing supports good performance in uncertainty
Rhythmic Breathing promotes calm yet alert focus and Mindful Well-Being, and helps us to navigate in today’s uncertain and dynamic world.
Rhythmic Breathing - a tool to navigate the 21st century with flair!
Rhythmic Breathing buildsg Mindful Well-Being for navigating well in an uncertain world.
Jerky breaths tells the body that you may be stressed and this unconsciously triggers incoherent heart rhythms.
Rhythmic breathing creates more balance between the left and right brain hemispheres by lowering the flood of neurotransmitters in the body. This builds greater mental coherence, improved cognition and even joy - an excellent life skill for today.
Build a stable heart rate and coherent pattern with rhythmic breathing in a stressful situation. Simply take 3 to 6 even, deep breaths and this will reassure your B+M+B system that you have things under control - and your Smart Brain is back to guide you.
Rhythmic Breathing helps resist mind-wandering, unconscious rumination, or distractibility so you can remain focused on the task or goal for longer.