A Music Glove responding to your movements and direction.

Accelerator activated music - now to add Sparkles!

The MINI.MU Is an Awesome Musical Glove Your Kids Can Make Themselves

We at Hackster, along with most of the maker community, really like the idea of projects that get kids interested in science and…

Cameron Coward

We at Hackster, along with most of the maker community, really like the idea of projects that get kids interested in science and technology. The challenge, however, always ends up being figuring out what kids will enjoy making. We all know how boring some educational products can be for children, which can end up being counterproductive. The project needs to be exciting to build, fun to play with afterward, and just enough of a challenge to be rewarding. MINI.MU is a new wearable musical glove that fits all three.

MINI.MU was designed by MI.MU, Imogen Heap (formerly of British electronic duo Frou Frou), maker and children’s author Helen Leigh, and Pimoroni. MI.MU specializes in sensor-packed wearables, and gloves in particular, so MINI.MU is the perfect extension of that technology. Each £39.95 kit includes a BBC micro:bit, screen-printed felt, a MINI.MU sewable speaker, and everything else your kid will need to build the musical glove.


The MINI·MU is a make-it-yourself gesture-sensing musical glove for children, based around the BBC microbit. I was the lead dev on this project for Imogen Heap, Pimoroni and the MI·MU glove team. We wanted to create a friendly, simple and fun crafty coding experience for young kids.

It was my first proper product (in a box!! with a barcode!!) so it was a huge learning experience for me as a maker. I made the first version of this glove in a shared makerspace in Hackney, and six months later it became a real product sold on Pimoroni and Adafruit.

‘Programming and technology should be understood by most children as it will play a large part in the world's future. This little device is amazing for children and even young adults that have no idea how coding works and how basic electronics work. This is important especially to be able to manage your own devices or to allow a young person to develop an interest in an important field that is hard to get in to.

Over the last century, technology has taken a huge leap and programming has become so easy that it's almost the same as human language. Gone are the days of ones and zeros and also the days of complex computer language. This device shows how easy it has become and includes a complete package - from basic wiring to programming not so basic things. The software that you code on is cleverly designed as it teaches you python in an innovative way.

You can start off with easy sentence building in a way that programmes the device to do a certain task given a certain circumstance. Once you get the hang of this simple coding you can switch the code to regular python and see how that same code is written commercially. It is very satisfying when it all works and comes together and it also includes 12 cards (see pics) with different instructions to various programs (so you don't have to figure anything out). You can even programme it to become a cycle helmet signaler!

The set comes with a wrist band to make it wearable, some crocodile clips, battery packs etc. There are also some tutorials online which can give you more ideas. In all the device has programmable:’

About the original Mini-Mu Kit

The set comes with a wrist band to make it wearable, some crocodile clips, battery packs etc. There are also some tutorials online which can give you more ideas. In all the device has programmable:
12 LEDs
3.3v pin
Motion sensor
GND (ground pin)
1 button
4 touch sensors or I/O extension pins
Micro USB connector
Electronic extensions connector
Battery connector
Extension board connector