Purpose for Impact
We hold the space for Social Emotional Learning workouts, mentoring and self-coaching.
We all need time-out from our dynamic world …
What is your greatest wish for 2024 and beyond?
Live with greater clarity, stronger purpose, resilience and joy.
We draw on Mind + brain + Body awareness research and apply it to the most pressing dilemmas including the feeling of being overwhelmed by challenging time.
MYnd accredited coaches are available to partner you as you rebuild mental clarity, purpose and direction.
Rather Self Coach? Then do the Self-Coaching workouts on your own or with a friend.
Building Co-creation Skills to Promote Innovation
The game holds the space for Social Emotional Learning for teams.
The Wanderer - a Game on the Edge of Tomorrow
Participants have 3 lives to collaboratively solve a challenge and navigate the best ways to save the future! Have fun while engaging in targeted micro-learning blended in the an innovation challenge.
Workouts for future engineers!
We design Social Emotional Workouts with girls strongly in mind, to promote future shared collaborative power in STEM Careers.
Reframe the BURN of Stress to the BUZZ of a Stretch in challenges.
Many young engineering find it difficult to play an effective role in work groups at both university and later in their careers. This is also cited as a main reason why so many highly qualified women leave the profession after 3 years employment and branch into something where they are more visible and engaged.
Neurofeedback for mental fitness and well being
Build mental fitness resilience and well-being
Neurofeedback reorganizes the brain’s “shifting” functions: calming when it is time to be still or mobilizing easily when it is time to solve problems or take effective action in the world.
When our brains are dis-regulated we may have the “potential” to reach great success but having we have lost our mental “shifting” ability. This is the flexibility to go from a calm mindset to a problem solving mindset.
Join us on our 7-Day THORT Mental Fitness Challenge with a THORT Buddy or a small group.
Do a 7-Day mental fitness workout every 6 months
Neurofeedback uses an electronic brain band or cap fitted with non-invasive sensors that touch the scalp. It can measure and monitor the fluctuations in your brain activity, using specialized brain analysis software. This records mainly your dominant brain waves in the moment and we can also track the quality and coherence of your attention and mood over the time.
During a neurofeedback session, we compare what your brain is actually doing to what you'd like it to be doing. When your brain is nearing a more comfortable state, you are rewarded with a positive response on a computer screen. Usually this ‘neuro-feedback’ is in the form of a THORTbot run, a floating feather video game, music, or movie of your choice.
Much like physical exercises develops specific muscles, the more you practice the ability to direct your focus and hold your attention form wandering, the more efficient and mentally coherent you get. As with learning a new skill, it requires repetition and time.
Find your voice for a Group Workout
Review your latent energy for positive future impact.
Share expectations, things that excite you and agree ground rules for all.
Do the online MYnd Index with people in your activity. Learn a common language promoting innovative impact for future good.
Our Mynd Canvas and coaches or teachers hold the space for everyone to define and share their unique contributions and needs.