Neurofeedback Group learning

As a Neuro-Diversity and Resilience Lecturer, Coach and researcher, I am passionate about democratizing and humanizing 21 century’s neuroscience findings into simple and accessible forms. To support this we host Social Emotional Learning games and workouts to promote resilient thriving in our dynamic world.

  • Cognitive development via Feurstein workouts introduced me to stimulating ways to engage learning impact and I later too this to the engineering and financial sectors in the corporate world.

  • I have been a guest lecturer for MYndset and Learning Skills Stress management at Wits, UCT, UJ, Nelson Mandela, Fort Hare and Limpopo universities for the financial departments and the final qualifying board exam for 5 years.

  • I have been a guest lecturer for the professional Case Study at the final Strategic Level for the qualifying CIMA exam at the University of Johannesburg and other institutions.

  • I am now partnering in the UK to explore fun ways of using EEG to activate Whirligigs so we can experience the power of our minds in the world.


THORT 2030 skills platform for Inclusive Collaboration

Imagine if Africa could harness its collective personal power and use it to create an innovative problem solving culture, promoting collaborative and inclusive mindsets. If we could harness this force, together we could build a thriving world of work for the good of all.

Just like they did recently in winning the World Cup in Rugby. 5 months work, drawing unique qualities form very diverse cultures, guided by one powerful vision. We won on a global scale then, lets achieve again together, for 2030!


For a future focused approach



THORT and MYnd Tools and Workouts

Our brain based tools translate the recent groundbreaking advances in neuroscience, with their potential transformational power, into a metaphorical learning and self-coaching journey, promoting Myndful IQ. This system promotes effective collaboration and inclusive leadership using brain-smart strategies applied in diverse groups, for situations of uncertainty or stress.

Our Serious Games and MYndful Workouts reveal our unique purpose, needs and core values in context, and build insight and greater clarity, thus strengthening intention and motivation in a memorable and sustainable way.


Domino 99.. Do a 20 minute workout on your own or with a MYnd Buddy online.

‘New Beginnings’: Design your own MYndful electronic Sound Canvas for an uplifting emotional experience.

Building MYnd-Brain-Body awarness for balance and joy

dice or spinner activate your possible choices on each turn.

The 50+ generation use the Power of MYnd to build mental fitness, balance and purpose.

The 50+ generation is currently the fastest growing market in the world today. With a longer life expectancy than before, we need to up-skill and learn about Open Source for life-long learning.

We use online workouts or even mind-controlled devices to make the power of their minds visible in the world. Our aim here is to stimulate mindful awareness – and promote neuroplasticity to support smart decisions.

A Mynd workout will build brain-smart mental muscle, whatever your age.




The power of a MYndset Shift in getting Unstuck!

  • We use the controlled and impartial environment of the UK CIMA exam to show how brain smart coaching can turn failure into a winning mindset.

  • Testimonials from our clients