We simplify coaching conversations as we compare complex Body-Brain Systems to that of an Egyptian Dhow.
We explore our Mind+Brain+Body Systems in various states and modes. Ms Perfect (Ms P) is your Guide. Click arrow (>) on the right to scroll the module.
Here is a glance at elements linked to the Egyptian Dhow -our metaphor of the amazingly complex working of the Mind + Brain+ Body neural connections.
Next: 2) The Basic Brain symbols explained … go to next
Go to: 3) The Dual Brain System … go to next
The THORT Explorer Board Game
We are building a THORT Explorer Board Game. It aims to promote mindful awareness about the various components required to balance a Climate of Trust to promote co-creative problem solving and innovative excellence.
The game promotes a culture of collaborative inclusion in unfamiliar and turbulent times.
We invite you to have some fun, while you rewire updated inclusive and collaborative habits, the ones required for excellence in Future Work.
Play the game and embed the language and behaviors promoting inclusion and build a safe place to innovate and explore. Become comfortable as you overcome the resistance of using your new voices in different situations. Practice using different ways of interacting with people at the different levels of the boat.