Update Mental Blueprints for an Emerging World
Many clients have returned to us in Lockdown, some from 2 years ago and others from 2 decades ago. Many asked to update a THORT Scan they did previously, a Mental Blueprint that no longer supported their current experiences in the world.
We need new coping strategies to navigate this uncertain world.
Some first acknowledged long-held dreams, then let them go to prepare to build new ones. Others shared a sense of overwhelm and fragmentation. Here we held the space for them as they found their mental and emotional balance, regaining hope and motivation in the process.
Leaders asked us to share tools promoting insights into the language and processes to build Psychological Safety in teams and groups at work.
Female entrepreneurs and mothers now had competing pressures, needing to home school and care for their children while still trying to maintain their careers. And a number were retrenched or lost their entrepreneurial ventures due to Lockdown conditions.
Inclusive Tech for Brain Based Well-Being and Thriving in a Complex World
Online THORT Conversation Gurus, THORT Coaches and Workouts can:
Partner you in your new learning journey
Engage and collaborate with awareness and skill
Build resilience and inclusion into the business case
Drive our vision with a shared purpose lens
Navigate the unknown with flexible judgement
Thrive in our ever-changing, and fast-emerging future.
THORT tools offers Psychological Safety for Inclusive Well-Being
She THORT holds a space with a strong female focus, for you to update your thinking, aligning it current shifts in your world.
THORT Canvas offers a Brain-Based lens into your current challenge, prompting insights of shifts in systems and the opportunities in a new and emerging future.
THORT Workouts help if you’re ‘STUCK, guiding you past old habits towards new perceptions.
Self-Coach, or ask a THORT Coach can partner on you, or become one yourself.
A Safe Space to promote a Mind-Shift
Many of our questions, fears, and stressors caused by the Pandemic and Social Distancing are intense, and sometimes we lose sight of a reasonable path forward. Now, multiple unpredictable elements make unable to see to what is possible in this emerging world.
It’s no longer Pink and Blue - we need a whole-gender lens for today.
This high level of stress and uncertainty called for us to increase attention in our THORT Canvas to promoting the an aware yet Open Mindset - one that was able to feel the automatic ‘buzz’ that comes from navigating the unknown, but learn to sense it as being offered a new opportunity, a gift of choice about an emerging future.
Our THORT Canvas asks questions promoting a whole-brain scan of a situation or challenge. 8 key questions identify the current wave of Systemic Complexity,
We added interchangeable central elements to our THORT Canvas, to add self-awareness, or relevant neuroscience findings linked to a Complex Systems thinking framework to the focus of the conversation.
The Power of THORT for 45+ to build mental fitness, balance and joy.
The 45+ generation has longer life expectancy than before, and need sustained mental fitness and resilience to thrive in a unfamiliar and fast-changing future.
THORT online workouts with neurofeedback (EEG) can brain-smart mental muscle, whatever your age. This strengthens mindful awareness and promotes neuroplasticity to sustain thriving and joy.
Due to retrenchment, many are becoming THORT Coaches. They support youth and in online mentoring and share experience with entrepreneurs and SMEs.
Help us build a THORT Wave in Africa
See the Art + science of building a wave of purpose and shared joy.
A WAVE reaches FLOW state through emotional contagion
“Invite flow: no-one is leading or following. We are all part of a beautiful dance, serving the purpose of our work.”
Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy, by Karolina Iwa (MIT, Presencing Inst.)
Notice the different forms of support required, as people play their part in creating a dance wave.
Urgent Need due to Lockdown?
THORT offers a safe place to make sense of the changes and needs in our changing world.
“Feedback from global firms reveals that the new wave of digital meetings has increased exclusion of people who were previously most silent in business meeting. ”
THORT coaches specialize helping you to navigate today’s uncertain world and uncertain future, with its complexity of multiple shifting local and global systems.